Tampa Catholic High School

Blessed Sacrament School

  • A group of students are posing for a picture in a classroom.

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  • A girl in a green shirt is sitting at a desk with a book and a pencil

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  • A young boy wearing a black shirt with a wave on it

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  • A young boy is using a laptop computer in a classroom.

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  • A group of people are posing for a picture in front of a wall that says bulldog

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All School Events

Important Documents

Succeed both on and off the field

Welcome To Blessed Sacrament School

William Hall

Greetings Blessed Sacrament School Families,

I want to take this time to tell you how excited and blessed I am to be named your new principal at Blessed Sacrament School. It is like a homecoming. I began my career here in 1987 under the mentorship of Sr. Mary Alice Reed, SSJ. I have had many educational experiences over the past 32+ plus years in both public and private education. I have ministered with Erie Catholic as assistant principal and principal. In addition, I also acted as administrator of Head Start, PreK Counts, Migrant Education at St. Benedict’s Child Development Center before I returned to Blessed Sacrament as the middle school science teacher. This summer, I was named assistant principal here, and now I have been named your principal.

This year has started off on a very positive note. Classroom goals, positive discipline, activities, events, are all successful and are filled with much energy. We will continue as planned, and yet we will continue to work together to provide new and exciting opportunities make our school family successful!

All my years, both past and present, at Blessed Sacrament School have been wonderful learning experiences. It is these experiences that have prepared me to transition into this new role and challenge. As we move forward, I will ask for your patience and prayers. Please feel free to stop by the office anytime.

Peace and Blessings,

Sr. Katherine Horan, OSB

Discover Blessed Sacrament School

Important Dates

October 1st -School Picture Day

October 2nd -School Liturgy 1:50pm

October 7th -PTO Meeting 6pm

October 8th -Cathedral Prep 2pm

October 9th -NO SCHOOL /Teacher-In-Service

October 16th -School Liturgy 1:50pm

October 17th -PTO McTeacher Night 5-7pm

October 18th -PTO Trunk-Or-Treat 6-7:30pm

October 21st- 8th Grade Service Day

October 23rd -School Liturgy 1:50pm

October 30th -School Liturgy 1:50pm End of the 1st Qtr.

School Documents

Cafeteria Menus

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